
The mission of the Central Indiana ISSA Chapter is:

  • To provide a local forum for Security Professionals to meet and share knowledge through presentations, open discussion, training sessions, and conferences.
  • To encourage friendly and free dialogue promoting the exchange of security methods, practices, case studies, and problem solving techniques.
  • To provide for the professional development of security professionals through meetings, conferences, training sessions, etc.
  • To promote career growth for security professionals through networking opportunities and job postings.
  • To further enhance the effectiveness of the organization through community outreach and relationships with local related organizations.


With active participation from individuals and chapters all over the world, the ISSA is the largest international, not-for-profit association specifically for security professionals. Members include practitioners at all levels of the security field in a broad range of industries, such as communications, education, healthcare, manufacturing, financial and government. The ISSA international board consists of some of the most influential people in the security industry, with representatives from Dell Computer Corporation, HP Enterprise Services, Forrester Research Inc., Symantec and Washington Mutual. With an international communications network developed throughout the industry, the ISSA is focused on maintaining its position as The Global Voice of Information Security.

The Central Indiana ISSA Chapter welcomes all local individuals with an interest in information security.  Our local membership includes professionals at all levels of the security field including representatives from Eli Lilly, HP Enterprise Services, NCAA, Sallie Mae, Roche, Salesforce, Anthem, CNO Financial, IU Health, etc.


The Central Indiana ISSA Chapter supports the primary goal of the ISSA to promote management practices that will ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information resources. The ISSA facilitates interaction and education to create a more successful environment for global information systems security and for the professionals involved.


The following list includes some of the important ways that ISSA members work toward achieving the Association’s goals:

  • Organize international conferences, local chapter meetings and seminars that offer educational programs, training and valuable networking opportunities.
  • Provide access to information through the ISSA website as well as an online newsletter and monthly journal.
  • Offer support for professional certification and development opportunities for security practitioners.
  • Create opportunities for members to join committees and boards, which provide significant leadership for the security industry.
  • Facilitate discussion and feedback on key issues, such as the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, in order to create a unified voice for security professionals around the world that can influence public opinion, government regulations, the media and other important audiences.